Welcome to the Marquette Holistic Health Fair Vendor List page!  I will add more vendors to this page as they register, so please keep checking back for updates!

Vendor registration for Marquette Holistic Health Fair is still open!  If you are interested in vending, please check out our vendor information page.

Business Name: Victoria Bullock Spirit Communicator
Contact Person: Victoria Bullock

Facebook: www.facebook.com/victoriaspiritcommunicator
Instagram: victoria_spirit_communicator

Offerings at Marquette Holistic Health Fair:

  • Twenty minute Psychic Mediumship readings to connect those in the physical with those in the non-physical realms.  This communication is sacred and honors those in Spirit and also the one receiving the 
    message.  And as always, this is for the good of all and harm to none.

Victoria Bullock (she/her) is a Spirit Communicator/Psychic Medium and published author.  She has been practicing Spirit communication for over ten years.  She has participated in many Mediumship development circles (many of which were taught by international psychic mediums).  She has offered her services at a variety of local events, along with live Tarot readings on an online site called Spirit Speak.  She loves all things metaphysical while also loving life in the physical.  Her primary message is; “The world is an Oracle.  We are always being worked with, we are never alone, and we are Loved”.